“Attitude is (not) everything”, Ephesians 4:17-5:2 / August 11th, 2024 / 12th Sunday after Pentecost / Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht

Text: Ephesians 4:17-5:2 Theme: “Attitude is (not) everything” ___________________________ Intro – The family packed up the car, filled with excitement for camp week, as Mom and Dad were happy for the adventure that their pre-teen son was about to experience. Dad set the map and followed the instructions perfectly. Then...

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“A feast of food”, John 6:22-35 / August 4th, 2024 / 11th Sunday after Pentecost / Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht

Text: John 6:22-35 Theme: “A feast of food” ___________________________ Intro – According to a scientist’s research, a human being eats about 16 times its own weight in one year. The same source also says that a horse on its turn takes in only 8 times its weight. Conclusion? If you...

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“Take heart”, Mark 6:45-54 / July 10th, 2024 / 7th Sunday after Pentecost / Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht

Text: Mark 6:45-54 Theme: Take Heart ______________________________ Intro –   What happens to your heart when you get scared? “When you’re afraid or stressed, it’s your brain—not your heart—that first responds. The hypothalamus releases epinephrine, commonly known as adrenaline, which triggers the fight-or-flight response many of us recognize. This can cause...

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“The finish line is the starting point”, Mark 6:30-34 / July 21th, 2024 / 9th Sunday after Pentecost / Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht

Text: Mark 6:30-44 Theme:  The finish line is the starting point ______________________ Intr –  We were coming down the mountain after a few good hours with the Master. He had invited us, “Come away by yourselves to a desolate place and rest a while.” I have to say that was...

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