“The cost”, Luke 5:1-11/ February 9th, 2025 / 5th Sunday after Epiphany/ Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht

Text: Luke 5:1-11 Theme: “The Cost”[1] ___________________________ Intr – Reading Luke 5, have you ever considered the cost—the sheer amount—that the disciples left behind, right there in front of them, in two boats overflowing with fish? While preparing for this sermon, I decided to research what the life of fishermen...

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“Living children of the Caring God”, Luke 4:31-44/ February 2nd, 2025 / 4th Sunday after Epiphany/ Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht

Text: Luke 4:31-44 Theme: “Living children of the caring God” ___________________________ Intr – The Gospel reading for today brings together many of the cures and healings Jesus performed during His ministry on Earth. Adding to that, He casted demons out. Performing this acts of mercy Jesus shows how much he cares...

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“Words of Good News”, Luke 4:16-30/ January 26th, 2025 / 3rd Sunday after Epiphany/ Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht

Text: Luke 4:16-30 Theme: “Words of Good News” ___________________________ Intro – What does a diplomat do? There’s a lot packed into that position, but if I’d summarize it in one sentence, it would be: A diplomat represents their country in international relations, fostering communication, negotiation, and cooperation to advance national...

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“Trusting the Miracle Maker”, John 2:1-11/ January 19th, 2025 / 2nd Sunday after Epiphany/ Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht

Text: John 2:1-11 Theme: “Trusting the Miracle Maker” ___________________________ Intro –  Christians are often challenged in their faith in miracles, especially those performed by Jesus, because they seem impossible at first glance. But to begin this sermon, I want to share with you four “miracles” proclaimed in our secular world...

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“Dead to sin, alive to God”, Romans 6:1-11/ January 12th, 2025 / 1st Sunday after Epiphany/ Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht

Romans 6:1-11; Luke 3:15-22 Theme: “Dead to sin, alive to God” ___________________________ Intr – Think about a moment in your life when something happened that changed it forever. Perhaps it was when you became a parent or a grandparent. Maybe it was when you graduated or started a new career....

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