• 20th Anniversary and School Expansion Dedication

    Please plan to attend a special service on Sunday, February 22 beginning at 10:45 a.m. The new elementary expansion will be dedicated and the 20th anniversary of Hope Lutheran Christian School will be celebrated.  A special invitation is extended to all of our current and past students, parents, and staff...

  • Pastor Laverne’s Ordination Anniversary Celebration

    On Sunday, June 22, we celebrated Pastor Laverne’s 30th anniversary of ordination! Pastor Don Schiemann led the worship service because Pastor Laverne was technically on vacation, and because he baptized his granddaughter, Olivia Rose Schiemann, daughter of Mike and Pam. The elders called Pastor Laverne up to the front and prayed for him. He was presented...

  • News from LWML

    Several members and guests attended the presentation on Women in Missions in Nicaragua, presented by Linda Mayan, assisted by her husband, Rev. Ralph Mayan on May 13, at our church. Linda talked about the valuable role of women as they work along with their husbands, visiting homes and serving in sharing the gospel in their communities, along with...

  • Hope Lutheran Christian School Port Coquitlam

    New Elementary School Principal Appointed

    The School Board of Hope Lutheran Christian School is delighted to announce the appointment of Mrs. Susan Eisner as Principal of the elementary school (Kindergarten to Grade 7), effective July 1, 2014. Susan has felt God’s call to her for this new chapter in her life. It is truly a blessing to have a woman with...

  • 2014 Lutheran Church – Canada Convention Report

    Pastor Laverne Hautz was a voting delegate and High School Principal Luke Adam was an advisory delegate at the Tenth Convention of Lutheran Church – Canada at UBC on the weekend of June 6 – 9. Here are some of the highlights of the Convention and its business: The Opening...