• The Baptism of our Lord – January 10, 2021

    “The Spirit of God Hovering Over the Water” – Genesis 1:2 & Mark 1:9-11 Introduction: The Old Testament reading, and hovering In the olden days, the Old Testament lesson paired with the Gospel reading of Jesus’ Baptism was always from Isaiah 42, where we read, “Behold my servant, whom I...

  • Christmas 2 – January 3, 2021

    “The Mystery of His Will” – Ephesians 1:8-9 Introduction # 1 – context Let me be honest and frank and upfront with you right off the bat today. A month or so ago, as I was looking ahead to the Bible readings for this Sunday, I was struck quite quickly...

  • Christmas 1 – December 27, 2020

    “(In the Census) Only One Mattered” – Luke 2:1 Introduction: 2020 numbers We have heard a lot about numbers in 2020, and I have enjoyed that to some extent, because numbers and dates stick in my brain. But most of the 2020 numbers have not been ones to truly enjoy...

  • Advent Week 4 – December 20, 2020

    “Ponder… with Mary” – Luke 2:19 Introduction: From self-centered to philanthropist Many of you, I’m sure, will remember the classic 1993 movie “Groundhog Day” starring Bill Murray and Andie McDowell. On February 1, self-centered and sour TV meteorologist Phil Connors, along with news producer Rita and a cameraman, travel from...

  • Advent Week 3 – December 13, 2020

    “Praise… with Elizabeth” – Luke 1:39-45 Introduction: A long, dark hallway “Daddy?” A little child touched his father’s forehead. The dad opened his eyes, fixed on the digital clock by his bed. It read 1:45. That would be a.m. “Yeah, son.” “I need to go to the bathroom.” “Fine, Pal....