Text: Mark 10:2-16 Theme: “Relationships” ______________________________________ Intro – Some time ago, a political add showed an actor sitting in a chair and talking to an empty chair in front of him. The other chair was supposed to be of his candidate’s opponent. The actor talked to the empty chair is...
“3 – Humbled beyond measure”, Mark 9:30-37 / Series: “Beyond Measure”/ September 22nd, 2024 / 18th Sunday after Pentecost / Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht
Text: Mark 9:30-37 Theme: 3 – G.O.A.T – Humbled beyond measure Series: “Beyond measure” PART 1, “Astonished beyond measure” Part 2, “Engaged beyond Measure” ___________________________ Intr – Do you know what the does the abbreviation (or initialism) G.O.A.T. mean? “Greatest of All Time”. It is well-known among sports...
“2 – Engaged beyond measure”, James 3:1-12 / Series: “Beyond Measure”/ September 15th, 2024 / 17th Sunday after Pentecost / Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht
Text: James 3:1-12 Theme: “Engaged beyond measure” Series: Beyond measure PART 1, “Astonished beyond measure” Part 3, “Humbled beyond measure“ ___________________________ Intr – (Illustration: A medicine container; bread; water; a text; a mirror to show breathing) These props here illustrate basic needs we have to live. What do they all...
“1 – Astonished beyond measure”, Mark 7:31-39 / Series: “Beyond Measure”/ September 8th, 2024 / 16th Sunday after Pentecost / Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht
Text: Mark 7:31-37 Theme: “1 – Astonished beyond measure” Series: Beyond Measure Part 2, “Engaged beyond Measure” Part 3, “Humbled beyond measure“ ______________________ Intr – I’ll start the sermon today by showing a couple of “magic powers” I have, to leave you amazed—perhaps even astonished. Let’s begin with a magic...
“Living on His terms”, Mark 7:14-21 / September 1st, 2024 / 15th Sunday after Pentecost / Hope Lutheran Church, Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht
Text: Mark 7:14-21, Galatians 5 Theme: Living in His terms ___________________________ Intr – Hand sanitizer dispensers have been in hospitals for a long time now, and since the coronavirus pandemic, they are everywhere. The idea seems to be that sanitizing your hands frequently will help stop the spread of germs...