Welcome to Hope Lutheran Church in Port Coquitlam. We are glad to have you here with us! We are a Lutheran Congregation endeavouring to live out our mission statement: “Active in Love, Growing in Christ”, and this is our virtual home.

We welcome you here and we invite you to please, take a few minutes to explore the site as we take you on an electronic tour of Hope Lutheran Church. (You are also invited to visit the School side of our website.)

If there is some way that we can help you to “Grow in Christ” or be “Active in Love” please do not hesitate to contact us in any of the ways listed.

We are happy to have you here in our virtual congregation, but we would enjoy meeting you face to face as well. You are more than welcome to join us for our Sunday Worship in our sanctuary. Jesus Christ is Lord, and He is the visible face of God’s love for us. He is with us everywhere in our daily walk of faith, and we can especially meet Him at His house, where we receive His Word, His Sacraments, and where we constantly say “thanks” for His immeasurable love. Come and join us in receiving God’s wonderful gifts in a Service designed to be reverent, objective and relevant.

Also, if you have a spiritual question that you would like to talk about, my inbox is always open as is my office door, and you are welcome to drop in – virtually or physically.

Thank you for your visit here. And come visit us some Sunday. It will be great to meet you!

Philippians 2:9 – “Jesus Christ is Lord.”


Rev. Lucas Andre Albrecht