lwml-canadaA Society of the Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada meets monthly, from September through June, at Hope Lutheran Church.

Our meetings are held on the first Monday of the month and begin at 5:30 pm with soup and buns, followed by a devotion, short business meeting, prayers and a monthly program.

The mission of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada is:  To Equip, Motivate and Encourage Women to Grow in God’s Word; Serve God’s people; and Share God’s Son.

Our LWML-C society selects activities and programs to support our mission, as we select each month from either an in-depth Bible Study, undertake a service activity, or share information or resources concerning mission projects undertaken by our League or local church.

The vision statement of LWML-C is “ignited by the grace of God, members of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada are actively encouraging women in the study of God’s Word so they are passionate in sharing the Gospel through word and deed.”

Besides our focus on monthly Devotions or in-depth Bible Studies on selected months, a monthly magazine, Tapestry, is available to members and includes Bible studies, inspirational articles, ideas for service, and information on mission projects.  The LWML-Canada website www.lutheranwomen.ca  includes much information and many resources.  A Facebook page also provides a means of communication with Lutheran women.  Members and guests are also invited to zone meetings in Vancouver and Fraser Valley areas for spring and fall Bible Studies and Program presentations.

An integral part of our Society is our Mites program.  Members and supporters of the League donate mites, or coins, or offerings from their heart as they are able, each month.  The mites from each society are forwarded to the District or National organization and are included in support of many of the mission projects of our Church.  The projects have included:

  1. A sewing school in Nicaragua
  2. Children’s education in Nicaragua
  3. A mission bus in Saskatchewan
  4. Mission supplies in the Ukraine
  5. Training of leaders for Deaf ministries; women evangelists in Thailand
  6. Mission outreach in Costa Rica
  7. Education and health resources in Mozambique
  8. A library in Kiberia, Kenya
  9. Mission Boat Society outreach to First Nations People of the west coast of British Columbia and other projects.

Local outreach for Hope Lutheran LWML-C society has included collection of kits and support for Union Gospel; Campbell Valley House of Hope; Wagner Hills Farm; sewing projects and collection of supplies for Nicaragua; Canadian Lutheran World Relief bandages; Prayer Shawl Ministry and other services to our church and community.

We invite all women to attend.  God has blessed us richly with fellowship in His name and Word, with wisdom, joy, peace and strength as we come together to grow in His Word, serve  His people, and share the love of Jesus, His Son, in the world around us.   


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