Below you will find an extensive list of the activities, programs and projects our Congregation develops and supports, as we continue to be active in love, growing in Christ:
- Sunday Service – Sundays, 10:00am. Word, Sacraments, praise, fellowship, and action.
- Mission with Hope Lutheran School – Activities developed in connection to Hope Lutheran School, a great and strong missionary arm reaching out to the community with the love of Christ.
- Oasis – Coffee and fellowship, every Sunday after the Service.
- Board of Governance – The elected leaders of the Congregation who meet regularly.
- Elders Team – Spiritual Support to the Pastoral Office and the spiritual work of the Congregation
- Council of Teams- Representatives of the different teams meet to work together in the life of the Church.
- Music Ministry Teams– Different musicians and groups offer their gifts not only in Services but in different events of Hope.
- Sunday School Team– Little lambs (Infants and toddlers) and K-4 gather on Sundays, 9:00 to be taught and nourished in the Word of God
- Volunteers Team – Responsible for leading the activities, especially on Sunday mornings, in different capacities.
- Video and Sound Team – Provides sound, screen and live streaming for Sunday Services and other special events.
- LWML – The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, which gathers once a month and develops different missionary projects locally and nationally.
- Youth: Saturdays at 6:30 pm.
- Young Adults: Twice a month on Fridays at 7:00 pm.
- Choir: The Hope Choir meets regularly to prepare songs and hymns for special dates and occasions, under the conduction of Pastor Lucas.
- Communication Team – Development of Hope’s media platforms
- Church properties Team – Oversees Hope’s properties and assets
- Confirmands – Youth Grades 7 and 8 journey through a 2-year learning process about Jesus and the Bible, leading up to their First Communion with the congregation.
- Sunday Sermon Dive – 1st Sunday of the month, 11:15 am in the Church. The pulpit viewed from the pew, meaningful conversations about the Sermon of the day.
- Thursday Bible Study – 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month, 10:00am in the Connection Room at Church
- Men’s Saturday Breakfast Bible Study – Every other Saturday, 8:00am at Izba Bistro
- Small Groups Bible Study- Once a week, in different members’ homes. Study, Growth and fellowship.
- Bible Information Classes for Adults – Wednesdays, 7:00pm, as needed
- The 7 Minutes devotion, online – Live on Wednesdays, 12:00pm on our Facebook page
- Pastoral Office and ministry staff – Compensation for the full and part time workers of the congregation.
- Hope Choir
- Baptisms
- Weddings
- Memorial Services (Funerals) and Funeral planning
- Pastoral Counseling
- Shut-ins – Regular visits from the pastor to members who are unable to attend Church due to health issues.
- Hospital Visits
- MVP, Member Visiting Program – Regular pastoral visits to the members of the Congregation.
- Shaughnessy Seniors Community Service – Every 3rd Friday of the Month, 11:00am, at SSC in Port Coquitlam.
- Hope Website
- Hope Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, Youtube
- Circuit meetings and events
- Food bank – Monthly provision for our local food bank
- Special Celebrations – Christmas, Holy Week, Thanksgiving, among others
- Special Mid-Week Services during Lent
- Short messages and videos for social media
- Providing financial support to our National Church (Lutheran Church of Canada)
- Supporting the training of our pastors
- Supporting mission and ministry opportunities in other parts of the country and in other parts of the world
- Providing the support of regular needs and spending
- Providing a building for worship and Christian education and meeting space;
- Providing for the training of pastors