Below you will find an extensive list of the activities, programs and projects our Congregation develops and supports, as we continue to be active in love, growing in Christ:

  1. Sunday Service – Sundays, 10:00am. Word, Sacraments, praise, fellowship, and action.
  2. Mission with Hope Lutheran School – Activities developed in connection to Hope Lutheran School, a great and strong missionary arm reaching out to the community with the love of Christ.
  3. Oasis – Coffee and fellowship, every Sunday after the Service.
  4. Board of Governance – The elected leaders of the Congregation who meet regularly.
  5. Elders Team – Spiritual Support to the Pastoral Office and the spiritual work of the Congregation
  6. Council of Teams-  Representatives of the different teams meet to work together in the life of the Church.
  7. Music Ministry Teams– Different musicians and groups offer their gifts not only in Services but in different events of Hope.
  8. Sunday School Team– Little lambs (Infants and toddlers) and K-4 gather on Sundays, 9:00 to be taught and nourished in the Word of God
  9. Volunteers Team – Responsible for leading the activities, especially on Sunday mornings, in different capacities.
  10. Video and Sound Team – Provides sound, screen and live streaming for Sunday Services and other special events.
  11. LWML – The Lutheran Women’s Missionary League, which gathers once a month and develops different missionary projects locally and nationally.
  12. Youth: Saturdays at 6:30 pm.
  13. Young Adults: Twice a month on Fridays at 7:00 pm.
  14. Choir: The Hope Choir meets regularly to prepare songs and hymns for special dates and occasions, under the conduction of Pastor Lucas.
  15. Communication Team – Development of Hope’s media platforms
  16. Church properties Team – Oversees Hope’s properties and assets
  17. Confirmands – Youth Grades 7 and 8 journey through a 2-year learning process about Jesus and the Bible, leading up to their First Communion with the congregation.
  18. Sunday Sermon Dive –  1st Sunday of the month, 11:15 am in the Church. The pulpit viewed from the pew, meaningful conversations about the Sermon of the day.
  19. Thursday Bible Study – 1st and 3rd Thursday of every month, 10:00am in the Connection Room at Church
  20. Men’s Saturday Breakfast Bible Study – Every other Saturday, 8:00am at Izba Bistro
  21. Small Groups Bible Study- Once a week, in different members’ homes. Study, Growth and fellowship.
  22. Bible Information Classes for Adults – Wednesdays, 7:00pm, as needed
  23. The 7 Minutes devotion, online – Live on Wednesdays, 12:00pm on our Facebook page
  24. Pastoral Office and ministry staff  – Compensation for the full and part time workers of the congregation.
  25. Hope Choir
  26. Baptisms
  27. Weddings
  28. Memorial Services (Funerals) and Funeral planning
  29. Pastoral Counseling
  30. Shut-ins – Regular visits from the pastor to members who are unable to attend Church due to health issues.
  31. Hospital Visits
  32. MVP, Member Visiting Program – Regular pastoral visits to the members of the Congregation.
  33. Shaughnessy Seniors Community Service – Every 3rd Friday of the Month, 11:00am, at SSC in Port Coquitlam.
  34. Hope Website
  35. Hope Social Media – Facebook, Instagram, Youtube
  36. Circuit meetings and events
  37. Food bank – Monthly provision for our local food bank
  38. Special Celebrations – Christmas, Holy Week, Thanksgiving, among others
  39. Special Mid-Week Services during Lent
  40. Short messages and videos for social media
  41. Providing financial support to our National Church (Lutheran Church of Canada)
  42. Supporting the training of our pastors
  43. Supporting mission and ministry opportunities in other parts of the country and in other parts of the world
  44. Providing the support of regular needs and spending
  45. Providing a building for worship and Christian education and meeting space;
  46. Providing for the training of pastors