Funeral and Memorial Service
Funeral and Memorial Services at Hope are Christian Services. This Christian emphasis is evident by the fact that Bible passages are read and a Bible-based, Christ-centred and life-eternal directed message is shared; prayers are spoken, and musical selections chosen will complement the Christian teaching about death, resurrection and eternal life. Pop or radio songs, old favourites, etc., will find a more appropriate venue at the recessional and/or the reception rather than during the Service. Families who do not particularly seek a Christian Funeral or Memorial Service conducted by our Pastor, or another LCC pastor, are advised to seek a different venue for the event.
Date & Time of Service
The date and time chosen for the funeral service will depend on scheduled events at Hope. It usually happens on Saturdays in the afternoon.
Liturgy and Bulletin
The order of service, including hymns and liturgical elements, will be projected on the church’s screens during the service. Any special requests for changes to the liturgy must be approved by the pastor in advance.
We aim to include the deceased’s baptismal and confirmation dates in the service bulletin, if available. Please provide this information prior to your meeting with the pastor, if possible.
The number of bulletins printed will be based on the expected attendance. We ask the family to proofread the bulletin to ensure accuracy before printing.
Service and Music
Funeral/Memorial Services held on the church premises are performed by our Pastor or by a rostered pastor of LCC(Lutheran Church Canada) only. We don’t officiate joint celebrations with ministers other than LCC Pastors, The Service will be officiated by Hope Lutheran’s Pastor or another LCC pastor.
Funeral and Memorial Services at Hope usually last up to 45 minutes. The service will include the following elements: Liturgical parts, Bible readings, Prayers, a sermon, and up to 4 hymns/songs (which will need to be approved by the pastor). Hope has also several musicians that may be available to play for funeral Services.
We request the family to submit a picture of the deceased loved one to be used in Order or Service.
Tribute (Eulogy)
If a tribute is desired, it can be included either before the service begins (after the processional) or after the Benediction. We suggest tributes be kept under 10 minutes. Please submit the tribute for the pastor’s review prior to the service.
The luncheon may be provided by the Reception Team when it is available on the memorial Service date. The family will contact the leader of the Team to work on the details of the reception.
Funeral Costs
A donation to the congregation is appreciated in lieu of the use of facilities and luncheon.
Costs for musicians, sound, video, and site supervision are as follows:
- Musician: $80
- Sound and video person(s): $50
- Site supervisor: $100 (For non-member’s receptions held at Church).
- Pastor: discretionary
An announcement regarding the Interment may be made during the worship service and information will also be printed in the bulletin.
Live Streaming
Livestreaming may be available depending on volunteer availability. Please inquire early if this service is desired.