Men’s Ministry Breakfast At Izba

Hope Lutheran Church supports the Bible’s call for men to be the spiritual leaders in their church, in their homes and in their lives. Christian men are to be examples of Jesus’ love to their spouses, their children, their work associates, in sports and in all other activities in their...

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Men’s Ministry Breakfast At Izba

Hope Lutheran Church supports the Bible’s call for men to be the spiritual leaders in their church, in their homes and in their lives. Christian men are to be examples of Jesus’ love to their spouses, their children, their work associates, in sports and in all other activities in their...

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Seniors Bible Study

Our Seniors Group meetings combine fellowship and Bible Study 10:00 – 11:30  Pastor Hautz leads us in Bible Study. On the third Thursday of the month, we go out for lunch to one of the local restaurants after our Bible Study. Collection of a small money contribution at every meeting...

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Confirmation Class 6:30PM

Youth in Grade 7 and 8 are invited to attend Confirmation Classes to study and broaden their faith. Classes are taught by Marcus Todd and Pastor Hautz, and meet on Thursdays at 3:30 pm or 6:30pm from the beginning of September until end of May.

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