LWML seminar – ‘Always Called to Serve’
On Saturday, April 8th Hope is hosting a Lutheran Women’s Missionary League seminar entitled ‘Always Called to Serve’. This has been planned and is being presented by 3 ladies from LWML Canada.
On Saturday, April 8th Hope is hosting a Lutheran Women’s Missionary League seminar entitled ‘Always Called to Serve’. This has been planned and is being presented by 3 ladies from LWML Canada.
Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) Pancake Supper at the church, Tuesday, February 28, from 5:30 – 7:00. Be creative and make your own pancakes from yummy ingredients – all provided
The next GOD WALK will be on Sunday, February 26th from 9:30-10:30am, and will be a tour of the Coquitlam Police Detachment! It is located at 2986 Guildford Way directly beside the City Hall on the corner of Pinetree Way and Guildford Way. All children are welcome. This time, parents are NOT allowed to...