Pentecost 18 – September 26, 2021

“No Middle Ground” – Mark 9:38-40   Introduction: For/against (no fence-sitting) What an interesting couple of verses – a guy is casting out demons in Jesus’ name and the disciples criticize him and try to stop him. And then Jesus spouts off this little self-evident, ten-word saying: “The one who...

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Pentecost 17 – September 19, 2021

“Humility is Greatness” – James 4:6-10 & Mark 9:30-37   1. Who is the Greatest? Who is the greatest? It’s a common question, a common debate. Greatness and value are often determined in our world by education, salary, possessions, accomplishments and things like that. The world is full of it…...

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Pentecost 16 – September 12, 2021 Copy

“Welcome Back, Exiles” – Ezra 2:1; 6:19,21-22   1. Ezra – unfamiliar, but significant! OK, I admit, Ezra isn’t exactly the most well-known book of the Bible, but this “return from exile” passage that I have chosen for our consideration today is certainly significant in the overall message of the...

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Pentecost 16 – September 12, 2021

“Welcome Back, Exiles” – Ezra 2:1; 6:19,21-22   1. Ezra – unfamiliar, but significant! OK, I admit, Ezra isn’t exactly the most well-known book of the Bible, but this “return from exile” passage that I have chosen for our consideration today is certainly significant in the overall message of the...

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Pentecost 15 – September 5, 2021 Copy

“Ephphatha – Be Opened” – Mark 7:31-37   Introduction – Open and closed sayings There are lots of sayings and idioms in our English language that relate to the words and concepts of being open and closed. Often those sayings have more figurative meanings than literal. Let me mention a...

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